Disclosure: Writer is a member of RenewED, an educational group in the Methow Valley.

It was almost 10 years after I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in political science that I encountered a thought I hadn’t considered- the far-left, taken to its farthest extreme, becomes the far-right. They are two sides of the same coin. I couldn’t have imagined that this thought experiment would ever morph into reality, but welcome to Methow Valley.

The letters to the editor in Methow Valley News this week concerning RenewED, a local community group advocating for protection of girls’ sports from unfair competition by biological boys, showed that the far-left has really become the far-right: there’s only one right way to think and thoughts outside of this circle are unwelcome. Here’s an example:

“I wish cisgender people would keep their tired and lackluster opinions about trans people to themselves, or better yet to not have them in the first place,” Stephen Miranda begins before launching into a rant about the demonization of trans people. This is an example of blind spot, or perhaps macular degeneration. Mr. Miranda goes on to say that people who want to protect girls’ sports have a problem with trans girls “existing” and that we should consider leaving the community.

That’s right. People that support protecting girls’ sports from unfair competition by biological boys should consider leaving the community.

Letters further down the line accused the RenewED group of transphobia, hatred, promoting assault of transgender individuals and contributing to their suicide. All because of our advocacy that the school board join the effort, as five out of seven school districts in Okanogan County and more than half the states in the union already have, to promote fair play in sports competition.

The so-called compassionate, diversified, equitable and inclusive left loves everyone except the people whose ideas are different from their own. Instead of curiosity, they see an affront. Ideology trumps people, and that is the scariest time in any nation’s history.

While initially taken aback, it was necessary, like an unwelcome colonoscopy, to show the internal workings of our community. Beyond the pleasant facades lies a deep aversion for any but the “right” viewpoint and the left, with history on its side, is using past victories to their full advantage.

The left was right in their campaign against discrimination and for civil rights. Unfortunately, hubris has twisted these victories into a sinister alter ego. Today, the far-left is using mantras to fight for the opposite- discrimination and oppression. Scratch the surface and you’ll see very quickly that if you’re not in, you’re out.

Their campaign for equality is now trying to convince people that there is no biological difference between girls and boys, and where a biological boy beats a girl in a race, it is diversity and inclusion that counts. As one Joanna Tekla points out in her letter, “We can remind our young athletes that winning isn’t the primary benefit of participating in sports. (My underline added.) Diversity in competition provides rich opportunities for our kids to grow and become stronger athletes and kinder community members.” Clearly, she hasn’t spent years mastering a sport or being the parent of a child making sacrifices to do so. She hasn’t experienced what other girls in our state have experienced- the emotions that come from standing on a podium next to a biological boy in first place.

It’s clear that the left is so engrossed in their ideology that they are out of touch with reality. When your calf muscles burn and your lungs ache for oxygen, what you’re really thinking about is equity and inclusion, not trying to beat the jersey in front of you. That’s what our current left-wing activists would like you to believe. There is no competition- only equity, and there is only one morally acceptable way to think. Communism has met fascism.


I am the founder and editor of Methow Valley Examiner, an online publication for locals, by locals. MVE explores stories beyond the headlines.

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