Decision Comes Following Standing Room Only School Board Meeting July 25

Disclosure: Writer is on the board of the PTA of Methow Valley.

Superintendent Tom Venable denied PTA of Methow Valley’s request to put on the agenda at the next school board meeting a discussion concerning biological males competing against biological females in middle and high school sport competitions. He also denied a request to have all school board members state on record where they stand with regard to biological boys competing against biological girls.

The issue will impact the fall sports season should a biological male compete on an LBHS girls’ sports team.

“Board members have addressed this matter previously, clarifying their individual and collective commitment to uphold the laws and policies prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression,” Venable said in an email.

“Some would suggest their decisive victories reflect the community’s strong support for their approach,” he added.

I am the founder and editor of Methow Valley Examiner, an online publication for locals, by locals. MVE explores stories beyond the headlines.

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1 Comment

  1. It is obvious the equity only goes one way, supporting those who want to compete in sports according to gender identity not whether they are a biological male or female. This is considered gender affirming. However as with diversity, inclusion and equity the direction goes with the person who is considered oppressed; in this case the one struggling with their gender identity. In reality to make this decision the biological female must become the oppressed person. There is however a better arbitrator for this situation called truth and reality. One truth is the physiology argument, the existence of the biological equipment associated with male XY chromosomes compared to female XX chromosomes which together are an indicator of gender and sexual identity. The associated factor with truth and reality is the moral one, fairness is defined in sports is competition between members of the same physiological sex or an even playing field. This means a mental construct that a biological male believes he (her) is actually a female must give way to the truth of physical reality since any competition to be meaningful must be engaged within physical reality. Being truthful and moral with those struggling with gender identity in reality is more compassionate than maintaining the lie.

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