Dear Fathers,
Happy Father’s Day. Thank you for your contributions to your families. I don’t think we have shown enough support or encouragement to you. I don’t think we have valued you enough in our collective conscious.
Often, we see you as fortresses and not the humans that you are. That’s a mistake.
Some of us have pushed you out of the decision making process for our families. Another mistake.
We need your input, even if we don’t always like it. Two minds sharpen better than one alone.
Many of you are the economic engines of your families. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Without you, our lives would be very different.
We mothers don’t always have it together. Parenthood is stressful. We’re either strong or we break down and ask for mercy. We need your help to make things right, because when you help your kids, you help us, and we admire you for it.
I once read that mothers protect their children from the world and fathers prepare them for it. It changed my view of your contributions.
I am a protector, but you, you are the one that takes things apart and shows how to put it back together. You are the one helping with design projects, teaching guitar, exploring the backcountry on a dirt bike.
I no longer want you to parent like me and instead want you to be more of you.
I have to trust that you will keep our daughter safe. When I was sick with worry, our daughter ran in loving the thrill of the ride.
I solve every problem with a hug. You solve problems by explaining how the world works.
I want to shield our daughter from the world. You teach her to master it.
As a society, we haven’t valued you enough. Mothers have been given and gladly taken a lot of credit for raising children, but you are the glue that holds it all together.
The truth is, when I’m at a loss, I turn to you.
Fathers, we need you. Do not settle for feeling unimportant. Use your innate talents to help us raise the most cherished humans we will ever encounter.
– One Mother