Carlton resident William Stolberg decided at the last minute this morning to stand in support of Israel outside the Farmer’s Market in Twisp. He relayed his position as follows:

“There is so much hate in colleges and universities and that’s all you hear is, one side, basically, of the argument. They are very adamant about extermination of Israel. What I’m here for is in solidarity of Israel and its right to exist, it’s right to protect its people, including its women and children. In my opinion, they are doing nothing more than the United States has done in the past when we’ve been brought into a war such as the attack on Pearl Harbor, and there are a lot of other ones. They are just trying to eliminate the threat to their homeland and their people. That conflict could end today if Hamas would give up and return the hostages, but they won’t do it, and they won’t give up. Hamas is the one that broke the peace. They were at peace. They had a peace agreement between Hamas and Israel, and they broke the peace. So many people don’t really understand things like “From the River to the Sea.” They don’t understand what that means. They talk about genocide, that is genocide. That’s a cry from Hamas as well as Palestine to eliminate the Jews from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and to completely exterminate the Jews. Palestine would have that whole ground, and that’s why they haven’t come up with any kind of a two-state solution. Neither party actually wants a two-state solution. I’m just here showing solidarity for Israel, that’s all.”

I am the founder and editor of Methow Valley Examiner, an online publication for locals, by locals. MVE explores stories beyond the headlines.

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